Employees need to take ownership of their learning and career tracks using tools such as intelligent learning management systems, and you can help them do so. It's possible that your employees suffer from a mix of imposter syndrome or a lack of clarity regarding their skills and career paths. You may see something valuable in them, but they may be less likely to see it in themselves until they're praised by someone in a position of power.

In 2021, almost 90% of organizations offer annual performance reviews for their employees, but many miss the mark by not attaching an actionable objective for further growth. This directly leads to mediocrity and wasted time on behalf of both employees and their superiors. There's a way to get more ROI out of your performance reviews.


Performance reviews are often relegated to a once-a-year meeting and are jammed while people are trying to hit year-end goals. In this model, there is no chance for an employee to make intentional improvements at a consistent pace. It's entirely possible for an employee to work somewhere for a year and not be aware of critical areas they need to improve. Continuous feedback allows employees to use a year’s time to make a difference with less stress. It also keeps them engaged.

This is not just a problem with applicant tracking systems. It’s a problem baked into some workplace cultures. A lack of consistent feedback leads to employee turnover, a major headache for HR professionals and functional area managers. Sadly, this is a realization most companies don't make until they're doing exit interviews.

In a 2019 Gallup blog, they noted that a staggering 51% of employees hadn’t been spoken to by their manager or any other leader in the previous three months. Three months, the period of time that many companies use as a traditional trial period, is a long time to hear crickets.

To put that time span into perspective, depending on the season, a 2021 employee can find a new job in as little as five weeks. As we are currently playing in an employee-empowered market where two out of three employees are considering seeking another role, this is something that human resources leaders cannot ignore. Continual feedback means continued engagement. Don’t let your best talent become bored, or worse, interested in another company.

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